Wind turbines on a seed field

Important Factors For Renewable Energy Recruitment You’ve Probably Been Ignoring

Recruitment is a vital business process for any company, but it’s particularly critical for survival in the renewable energy industry. Renewable energy technologies are still in their early development phase. Creativity, intelligence, and the overall ability to find new solutions are more valuable right now than anything else.

2023 is expected to be a fruitful year for renewable energy companies after the industry-wide disruption caused by the energy crisis in 2022. Experts expect a high influx of capital after IEA’s prediction of renewables taking over coal by 2025. Challenges in green energy recruitment may bottleneck many companies from taking full advantage of this growth opportunity.

The Problem with Renewable Energy Recruitment

The renewable energy industry is still relatively new with most companies founded only in the last decade. Business runners and recruiters lack the experience or knowledge to take the subtle but immensely important factors into consideration when evaluating candidates. However, renewable energy headhunters at Whitham Group present a solution.

The executive search firm has a 24-step process that filters over 18,000 candidates in its database for a wide array of factors. Most notably, the executive recruiters say, the firm identifies candidates whose personalities fit the designated company. This ensures that the candidate will be satisfied with the new position and will stay for a long time.

The results?

80% of the employees recruited through Whitham Group have stayed in the last 5 years. Half of these candidates have already been promoted. The team also only recommends candidates meeting at least 90% of your requirements and willing to accept your offered salary. Candidates have also accepted 96% of the offers extended through Whitham Group.

If you’re new to recruitment, we recommend reaching out to Whitham Group and working with their experienced renewable energy recruiters to find top talent.

Now let’s talk about some of the factors renewable energy firms consider that you probably don’t.

Executive recruiters interviewing a candidate

15 Important Recruitment Factors You’ve Been Ignoring

1- Conscientiousness

This trait refers to a person’s level of responsibility, reliability, and attention to detail. People who are highly conscientious are often organized, efficient, and reliable.

2- Agreeableness

This trait reflects a person’s level of cooperativeness and their tendency to get along with others. People who are highly agreeable are often easy to work with and good team players.

3- Emotional Stability

This trait reflects a person’s level of emotional stability and ability to handle stress. People who are emotionally stable are generally able to maintain their composure in challenging situations.

4- Openness To Experience

This trait reflects a person’s level of curiosity, creativity, and openness to new ideas. People who are open to experience are often open-minded and willing to try new things.

5- Extroversion

This trait reflects a person’s level of sociability and their preference for interacting with others. People who are extroverted tend to be outgoing and enjoy being around others.

Work friends sitting on a couch

6- Adaptability

This trait reflects a person’s ability to adapt to new situations and environments. People who are adaptable are able to quickly learn new skills and processes. They’re also more comfortable working in unfamiliar situations.

7- Communication Skills

This trait reflects a person’s ability to effectively communicate with others, both in writing and orally. People with strong communication skills are able to convey their thoughts and ideas and are able to listen and understand others.

8- Creativity

This trait reflects a person’s ability to generate new ideas and think outside the box. People who are creative are able to come up with innovative solutions to problems and are able to think in new ways when faced with challenges.

9- Leadership Skills

This trait reflects a person’s ability to motivate and lead others. People with strong leadership skills are able to effectively delegate tasks, provide direction, and inspire others to reach their full potential.

10- Problem-Solving Skills

This trait reflects a person’s ability to identify and solve problems effectively. People with strong problem-solving skills are able to analyze complex situations and come up with practical solutions.

11- Time Management Skills

This trait reflects a person’s ability to effectively manage their time and prioritize tasks. People with strong time management skills are able to meet deadlines and are able to balance multiple tasks and responsibilities.

12- Emotional Intelligence

This trait reflects a person’s ability to understand and manage their own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. People with high emotional intelligence are able to build strong relationships and can effectively navigate social situations.

13- Interpersonal Skills

People with high emotional intelligence are also typically able to build strong relationships with their coworkers. This can be particularly important in the renewable energy industry, where teamwork and collaboration are often critical to success.

Employees socializing at work

14- Decision-Making Skills

People with high emotional intelligence are often able to consider the feelings and perspectives of others when solving problems or making decisions, which can lead to more effective solutions.

15- Increased Resilience

People with high emotional intelligence are often better able to cope with stress and handle difficult situations, which can be important in the fast-paced and dynamic renewable energy industry.

Evaluate These Skills With Renewable Energy Recruiters

If you’re unsure how to evaluate candidates for these traits, we recommend working with Whitham Group. The executive search firm has been in the energy industry for 12 years and has helped businesses of all sizes find and recruit top talent. Contact Whitham Group now!