Are awards relevant? | Movers in Toronto Ontario

Toronto Local Movers : Best Local Moving company in Toronto ON

If you are searching for some of the best movers in Toronto Ontario, there are several things you should consider. And one thing that might draw your attention is that tiny section on the website of your movers where awards are showcased. So, what exactly are those awards and titles, who gives them, based on what criteria, and how relevant are they when choosing the movers in Toronto Ontario to hire? We are here to shed some light on this topic and tell you everything you need to know about awards given to movers in Toronto Ontario.

First of all, let us start by saying that most moving companies are proud and honoured whenever they receive a reputable award. It means their hard work throughout the year is acknowledged and their efforts were worth it. We at Let’s Get Moving are always extremely happy and grateful when we are given an award. Moreover, we take it as a proof that we need to go on with our promise of providing state-of-the-art moving services. Awards are not as important as referrals or online reviews, but they still are pretty important. After all, they are a good hint that you have found yourself some reliable movers in Toronto Ontario.

And the award comes from…

Yes, it is always important to know who receives the awards, but it is equally important to look at who gives them. After all, getting your movie awarded at the Toronto International Film Festival is not really the same as an award at Cinemania, is it? This is why it is important to pay attention to who gives those pompous titles. The Best Movers in Toronto Ontario sounds like a prestigious awards, but it is not that relevant if given by a small business association, for example. So, how can you know who is reliable when it comes to awards given in the moving industry? Start from the Canadian Association of Movers. Whenever you see they awarded certain movers in Toronto Ontario, the prize was well deserved. Moreover, those people really know what they are saying. The same goes for Yelp and Homestars, two of the main platforms used by moving companies in Toronto. When they give a reward for the performances within a certain year, it is for good and you can trust them. Just think about it: if there are no referrals involved, you probably go to Yelp and Homestars when you search for the best movers in Toronto Ontario. And to Google, too, but they don’t give this sort of awards… yet.

Third year in a row

Or fourth, or fifth… the more, the better. If the movers in Toronto Ontario you just laid your eyes on only received one award in the past 10 years of activity, say, you might want to reconsider. It might just have been their 15-minutes of fame. But if instead, they keep on receiving the same awards year after year, it might be a good sign. Just remember that some of the biggest awards in the industry are not given to only one moving company. So it might just be that X and Y movers both got the same award. No worries, there is no scam involved. If you wonder where to look for those awards, just scroll down the landing page of the website of your movers in Toronto Ontario. Most movers are quite proud of their achievements, so they showcase them properly and visible enough for you to spot them quickly. Just remember: consistency is key! The more years in a row the same award, the bigger the chances of dealing with excellent movers.

And there is more to look for

Don’t fall into the trap of only looking for awards! When it comes to the best movers in Toronto Ontario, it is important to also check their reviews. Google, Yelp, and Homestars all have rating systems which can help set a hierarchy among moving companies in a certain area. Asides from those ratings, you can also read what customers have to share about their experience. This is an even better way to know what to expect from the movers you are researching about. Anything good and bad will most probably be debated in the reviews section. There is a lot to read and to analyze, so we will not be wasting more of your time. Go ahead and look for the best movers in Toronto Ontario and good luck with your move!

Should your search lead you to Let’s Get Moving, we would be more than happy to handle your move. Whether we talk about a small studio or a large office move, we are the right movers for the job. Our experience and expertise helped us gain a place among the best movers in Toronto Ontario, and our amazing customer reviews stand as proof. Read them online and get back to receive your free moving estimate today!